





1 徐国放,21级研究生(已毕业,前往西北工业大学就读博士研究生)


[1] Guofang Xu, Henghui Liu, Qiang Huang, Xuefei Yu, Xiang Nan, and Jijun Han. “Sensitivity investigation of open-ended coaxial probe in skin cancer detection.” Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (2023): 1-13. (IF: 7.099, JCR: Q1)

[2] Guofang Xu, Henghui Liu, Yinhao Ren, Yupeng Liao, Feng Liu, Xiang Nan, and Jijun Han. “Probing underlying biophysical mechanisms of electrical properties change by pathogenesis at the microscopic cellular level.” Applied Physics Letters 124, no. 3 (2024). (IF: 4.0, JCR: Q2)

[3]  Guofang Xu, Qiaotian Zhang, Henghui Liu, Bensheng Qiu, Xuefei Yu, Jijun Han.“Characterization and optimization of dielectric phantom composition for frequency-dependent tissue mimicking.”Materials Today Communications (2024):110443.(IF: 3.7, JCR: Q2)

[4] Xinyue Zhang,  Guofang Xu, Qiaotian Zhang, Henghui Liu, Xiang Nan, and Jijun Han. “A software tool for fabricating phantoms mimicking human tissues with designated dielectric properties and frequency.” Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik  (2024). (IF: 1.3, JCR: Q4)

[5] Guofang Xu, Qiaotian Zhang, Henghui Liu, Bensheng Qiu, Xuefei Yu, Xiang Nan, Jijun Han. “A Reliable Approach for Fabricating Tissue-Mimicking Phantoms with Designated Dielectric Properties from 16 MHz to 3 GHz.” 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’23), Sydney, Australia,  2023 

[6] 徐国放,代兴亮,余学飞,南翔,韩继钧. “Dielectric Properties for Identification of Gliomas and Normal Brain Tissues with Open-Ended Coaxial Probe.” 2023中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会(BME2023), (Oral)

2 任印豪,22级研究生


[1] Yinhao Ren, Yunyu Gao, Bensheng Qiu, Xiang Nan, and Jijun Han. “Effects of radiofrequency channel numbers on B1+ mapping using the Bloch-Siegert shift method.” NeuroImage (2023): 120308.(IF: 5.7, JCR: Q1)

[2] Yinhao Ren, Kecheng Yuan, Guofang Xu, Chunyou Ye, Feng Liu, Bensheng Qiu, Xiang Nan, Jijun Han.“ Fat-Water Signal-Based Electrical Properties Tomography Using the Dixon Technique”. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2024).(IF: 5.6, JCR: Q1)

[3] Yinhao Ren, Yunyu Gao, Bensheng Qiu, Xiang Nan, Jijun Han. “The effects of RF channel numbers on |B1+| mapping using the BSS method.” Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Toronto, Canada,  2023

[4] 任印豪,韩继钧. ” 射频线圈通道对磁共振BSS法B1+场测量影响.” 2023全国生物电工与生物电磁高峰会议,(Oral

[5] 任印豪,袁克诚,徐国放,叶纯友,邱本胜,南翔,韩继钧.“基于Dixon的脂水电特性成像技术的探究.”2024全国生物电工与生物电磁高峰会议.

[6] Yinhao Ren, Kecheng Yuan, Guofang Xu, Chunyou Ye, Bensheng Qiu, Xiang Nan, Jijun Han.“Water-fat content based electrical properties using Dixon technique: a preliminary study.”Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Singapore, 2024

[7] Yinhao Ren, Kecheng Yuan, Guofang Xu, Bensheng Qiu, Xiang Nan, Jijun Han.“A Novel Approach to Electrical Property Tomography Using the Dixon technique and Validation at 1.5 and 3 Tesla.”2024年中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会(BME2024),(Oral

3 叶纯友,23级研究生


[1] Chunyou Ye,Yaqing Jia, Yinhao Ren, Xiang Nan, Jijun Han.“Data-Driven 3D Patch-Based Electrical Properties Reconstruction with Enhanced Feature Learning.”2024年中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会(BME2024),(Oral

4 琚文霞,23级研究生


[1] Wenxia Ju, Yinhao Ren, Chunyou Ye, Xiang Nan, Jijun Han.“Assessing the impact of different conductivity models on the electric field distribution in transcranial temporal interference stimulation.”2024年中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会(BME2024),(Oral


1 张心月,21级本科生


[1] Xinyue Zhang,  Guofang Xu, Qiaotian Zhang, Henghui Liu, Xiang Nan, and Jijun Han. “A software tool for fabricating phantoms mimicking human tissues with designated dielectric properties and frequency.” Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik  (2024). (IF: 1.3, JCR: Q4)

[2] 李永生,刘启明,徐国放,刘恒慧,张心月,韩继钧. “人体甲状腺癌变组织介电特性测量.” 2023中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会(BME2023), (Oral)

2 张巧天,21级本科生


[1] Xinyue Zhang,  Guofang Xu, Qiaotian Zhang, Henghui Liu, Xiang Nan, and Jijun Han. “A software tool for fabricating phantoms mimicking human tissues with designated dielectric properties and frequency.” Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik  (2024). (IF: 1.3, JCR: Q4)

[2] 李永生,刘启明,徐国放,刘恒慧,张心月,韩继钧. “人体甲状腺癌变组织介电特性测量.” 2023中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会(BME2023), (Oral)

3 刘恒慧,21级本科生


[1]  Guofang Xu, Qiaotian Zhang, Henghui Liu, Bensheng Qiu, Xuefei Yu, Jijun Han.“Characterization and optimization of dielectric phantom composition for frequency-dependent tissue mimicking.”Materials Today Communications (2024):110443.(IF: 3.7, JCR: Q2)

[2] Guofang Xu, Henghui Liu, Yinhao Ren, Yupeng Liao, Feng Liu, Xiang Nan, and Jijun Han. “Probing underlying biophysical mechanisms of electrical properties change by pathogenesis at the microscopic cellular level.” Applied Physics Letters 124, no. 3 (2024). (IF: 4.0, JCR: Q2)

[3] Guofang Xu, Henghui Liu, Qiang Huang, Xuefei Yu, Xiang Nan, and Jijun Han. “Sensitivity investigation of open-ended coaxial probe in skin cancer detection.” Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (2023): 1-13. (IF: 7.099, JCR: Q1)

[4] Guofang Xu, Qiaotian Zhang, Henghui Liu, Bensheng Qiu, Xuefei Yu, Xiang Nan, Jijun Han. “A Reliable Approach for Fabricating Tissue-Mimicking Phantoms with Designated Dielectric Properties from 16 MHz to 3 GHz.” 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’23), Sydney, Australia,  2023 

[5] 李永生,刘启明,徐国放,刘恒慧,张心月,韩继钧. “人体甲状腺癌变组织介电特性测量.” 2023中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会(BME2023), (Oral)

[6] Henghui Liu, Guofang Xu, Yinhao Ren, Feng Liu, Xiang Nan, Jijun Han. “Probing underlying biophysical mechanisms of electrical properties change by pathogenesis at the microscopic cellular level.” Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Toronto, Canada,  2023 (Oral)

4 刘启明,21级本科生


[1] 李永生,刘启明,徐国放,刘恒慧,张心月,韩继钧. “人体甲状腺癌变组织介电特性测量.” 2023中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会(BME2023), (Oral)




